Registration: Catcher Academy 24/25

Playball Catcher Academy 2024/25

Catcher Academy 24/25 is FULL

Amsterdam - Loek Loevendie Ballpark BP Sports Center
Nov 2 till Dec 14, 2024, through Jan 4 till Feb 1, 2025
(Except Dec 21, 28)
From 8:00 till 10:00h
Total days:
Total 12 Saturdays x 2 hours

Availability for a limited number of participants.

Playball Catcher Academy 2024/25

Register now

Catcher Academy - € 375

For safety and physical standards, only players aged 13 and older and play in a regular competition, can participate  

Bank acc IBAN:
NL69 RABO 0107103109 / BIC RABONL2U
t.n.v. A.M.T. Crouwel / o.v.v. C2425 + name

The Finest In Professional Instruction!!

We use a limited enrollment, so be quick to ensure "personal attention".

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